There Is No True Death. You Are Free, Always
what now?
When you embrace the idea of Infinite Existence then you can live in freedom. You can call this Enlightenment, God or Heaven, Nirvana or Paradise or the Tao or Oneness or Immortality, the name isn’t important.
So what now? Well, whatever you want, or don’t want…
You are not a stone. You will always have human desires and fears, but you won’t be drawn into their whirlpools. In the language of ACT therapy, you won’t need to fuse with your desires or fears. In the language of IFS therapy, you won’t need to blend with your Parts, which are what makes up you World Identity.
Though you are not a stone, you will know you are made of the same stuff, both in a scientific way but more than that, in a felt sense. You are part of everything there is, ever was, ever will be.
Everything material really does turn to dust eventually and then that dust becomes something else and all the time what you have in front of you is all the time you need. Enjoy it if it is enjoyable. If it is unpleasant then there is no need to suffer, pause and then make a decision to either change the situation or leave the situation or accept the situation by changing how you view it. See the article Mind Body Healing for more on this.
you don't have to do or achieve anything
There are several realisations that come the more you find yourself part of Infinite Existence. One is that it is the World Identity side of us that feels threatened if we don’t achieve – success, wealth, understanding, truth, immortality. But you can let this go now. You don’t have to do or achieve anything. Ultimately all things recur and repeat, both changed and the same.
However, it isn’t that you stop achieving goals or aims but there is no longer the pressure associated with this. It really doesn’t matter if what you do has the consequences you wish for or blows up in your face. Either way you can experience with a sense of wonder, although that is not always easy at the moment of destruction.
You will enjoy the journey now, And you are on all the journeys at once. The comfort of Universal Consciousness is that you are all beings at once in all ways. And without the need to feel those experiences, those World Identities we can be closer to them and feel connected even to our enemies. All of us are the same, our World identities stretching and running and tumbling, doing crazy, stupid, wonderful things while Universal Consciousness loves us throughout.
You can stop looking for answers
What a relief.
There is no grand plan, or if there is, then there is no need to find it or know it.
Think of the freedom in this.
whatever happens is okay
Living in Infinite Existence doesn’t mean life suddenly stops throwing curve balls at you, but with a sense of the infinite inside these are easier to see for what they are, part of the bigger journey we’re all on.
Because there is no grand plan there is no need to attach meaning to this journey but simply to experience it, to feel it. Attaching meaning is only a way for your World Identity to again find a way to try and box up life and make it into a story with a traditional beginning, middle and happy ending. You, the enlightened winner, cracker of the code, philosopher general, wise sage.
You don’t have to do that. You can be free of that.
We are all one
Knowing this as a deep truth, not as a platitude, is to feel the fullness of Infinite Existence with the twin realities we all live of World Identity & Universal Consciousness.
We are all one.
Does this mean you won’t ever react again to an attack or respond to a lover’s touch. No, you are human and will always feel emotions. What you can do more easily is to stop them from carrying you away. You can see angry thoughts for what they are, learned opinions emboldened by hormones. You don’t have to let your anger or fear rule your world. And the rush of love can be felt and enjoyed without being hijacked by neediness.
the present moment
Perhaps the key implication of Infinite Existence is that all this is happening right now, everything is happening at once. The nature of infinity is that it is fully formed, you can’t add anything to it or take anything away from it, it just is.
This means that each inifinite universe exists at this moment. Universal Consciousness is part of every possible version of you and every other human and self-conscious being and everything in every universe all at once. Time is an illusion. You are living at all possible points in time right now.
Feeling this means stopping striving for the future or wishing you could change the past. All pasts and futures are happening now.
So, as anyone who understands the present moment teaches, this moment already has everything contained within it and this moment really is all there is. When you find yourself being carried away with daydreams of the future you stop and look around where you are right now. And when you find yourself getting caught up in arguments that have already passed, rephrasing these arguments to say what you really wanted to say, stop, look around and see where you are right now. This is present moment living.
Living in the present moment now becomes suddenly obvious and as you practice this and stop living in daydreams you will wonder why it wasn’t always so obvious?
Rest in peace, there is no death, rest in the present moment, enjoy it.
Find your Gorse and enjoy it.
Practicing The Roadmap - Stage Seven
Always Get Into A Growth Mindset view in your life and maintain this now.
Continue to take time to yourself and spend time alone in nature as a way to help connect with the stillness inside yourself. Continue with all of the Meditation practices in Meditation – 3 Ways.
You are now fully comfortable with the concepts of Universal Consciousness and World Identity and Infinite Existence.
Living now is done as much as possible in the present moment as you no longer feel the need to build up your future or rehash your past. There is no judgement or pressure on yourself to make something happen before you die because you know you will live forever.
Key Guides for this stage – Fear & The Power Of Now
a day in the life of... stage seven
You wake up with the feeling that you are happy to be alive and without the feeling of dread about what problems are coming your way. (Even though you know there will be challenges today like most days.)
You get up early and so can meditate for 15 minutes. In your meditation you concentrate on your breathing and the stillness and love of Universal Consciousness. You let thoughts come and go without attaching to them.
You get up early and so can meditate for 15 minutes. In your meditation you concentrate on your breathing and the stillness and love of Universal Consciousness. You get stuck with a thought about some micro drama and before you know it 15 minutes are up. That’s okay, there are plenty more minutes.
You get up early and so can meditate for 15 minutes. In your meditation you concentrate on your breathing and the stillness and love of Universal Consciousness. You meet parts of yourself that are angry at your parents for smothering you as a child. You meet and heal those parts, or agree to meet them again if they need more time.
You get up early to find the cat has been sick all over the carpet. No time for meditation today.
Your kids need help getting to school and one of them is less than enthusiastic. Today you remember there were days you were the same at that age and you smile and help.
Another day you shout at your kids for being kids and then later that day you make a repair with both your child that hated you and the Part of your World identity that shouted.
On the drive to work you listen to an audio book about Present Moment Living/The Uncertainty principle/Mind body healing and marvel at knowledge. Or you listen to music that touches your heart. You also marvel at the world around you – Infinite Existence – right before your eyes.
You avoid the news – it is generally negative and usually it really doesn’t matter.
You listen to the news and get caught up in today’s drama and then you catch those Parts of your World Identity that like the drama to distract you from other Parts of your World identity and you remember the present moment and let the drama go and return to the world as it is right now in front of you.
Work means decisions and choices and getting things done and achieving goals. But you know this. And you can live this now as necessary and you are aware to find the joy in it where you can and live at work in the present moment.
Work is the worst job you have ever had in your entire World Identity life – you know this and make plans to change it because you know if you don’t your body will give you a reason to change it which you won’t be able to ignore.
Work is in the past and there aren’t many years left. You know this is okay because each moment is eternal and you are eternal. And you know that all that bluster of ego and achievement and necessity and boredom that made up so much of work was okay then because you didn’t know then what you know now and what you know now is that everything is okay. No one is judging you and you don’t need to judge yourself. Time is meaningless. As Chuang-tze said in the Inner Chapters, “None have lived longer than a dead child, and old Peng Tsu died young.”
You get home from work and start having the same old argument with your wife /husband / boyfriend/ girlfriend /lover that you always have about money/ responsibilities/ alcohol/ the kids,/ sex. But you no longer let go of yourself, giving free reign to those Parts of your World Identity that are trying to defend their exiles with all their might. You know this argument is two World identities acting like mirrors to each others insecurities. Though you feel the emotions like waves, you can surf more now, and you feel your partner as you feel yourself, part of Infinite Existence.
You love them and help bring each of you back to that place where you know love for yourselves and each other, like Universal Consciousness connecting with itself in another human.
You realise you don’t love them and are only with them to feed a neediness within a part of yourself that is scared to be alone. You will make a change.
You get home from work and you have a throbbing headache / back pain / joint pain. You take time to yourself for a 15 minute meditation to get in touch with what is bothering you today. You listen to your body to find the parts of your World Identity that need to be heard. They tell you and the pain eases and you learn more about what you need in the here and now.
In the evening you spend some time with your children listening to them with love and this will help them learn to listen to themselves with love.
You read an interesting challenging book.
You spend time with your partner and chat over the TV shows.
You watch a film and no longer feel the desire to be one of the main characters or film stars that play them or to be with those unreal ideals.
When you go to sleep you go to sleep easily. If you have racing what if thoughts or wake with these you remember to be in the present moment. That is all that it happening now and worry or regret cannot stay in the present moment.
You cannot get to sleep. You cannot stop worrying. You fall into old habits and get up, have a drink of water, listen to a sleep app. But you know you are allowed to slip. You know even though all is perfect, you don’t have to get it all perfect all the time. There is no test you have to pass. No-one is judging you.
The next night you sleep easily.
You wake up with the feeling you are happy to be alive…